The MTI RTP (B2 on schematic) is a compact rapid thermal processing tube furnace that is designed for annealing wafers coated with metallic films and metal samples up to 1000°C.
Tube: 4” O.D. quartz tube
Maximum Temperature: 1000°C (for <10/min)
Working Temperature: 400°C (continuous), 600°C (< 1 hour)
Suggested Normal Heating Rate: 10-25°C /sec
Maximum Heating Rate: 50°C /sec
Constant Temperature zone: 4″ (+/-1°C) @ 1000°C
Please use the iLab system to schedule time to use this equipment.
The MTI furnace (B3 on schematic) is a compact rapid thermal processing tube furnace that is designed for annealing wafers coated with metals and metal samples up to 1200°C.
Tube: 2” O.D. quartz tube
Maximum Temperature: 1200°C (for <1 hour)
Continuous Working Temperature: 1000°C
Suggested Normal Heating Rate: ≤10°C /min
Maximum Heating Rate: 40°C /min (low temp) and 10°C /min (high temp)
Constant Temperature zone: 2.3″ (60mm) (+/-1°C) @ 900°C
Please use the iLab system to schedule time to use this equipment.
The MTI RTP is a compact rapid thermal processing tube furnace that is designed for annealing semiconductor wafers and wafers coated with insulating films (not metals), such as SiO and SiN, up to 1000°C.
Installation in progress
Tube: 4” O.D. quartz tube
Maximum Temperature: 1000°C (for <10/min)
Working Temperature: 400°C (continuous), 600°C (< 1 hour)
Suggested Normal Heating Rate: 10-25°C /sec
Maximum Heating Rate: 50°C /sec
Constant Temperature zone: 4″ (+/-1°C) @ 1000°C
Please use the iLab system to schedule time to use this equipment.